
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

7 things you'll hate about the iPhone 5S

1. It's even more expensive

The iPhone has never been the most affordable smartphone, and the iPhone 5S is the most expensive yet; it starts at a whopping $749.18 US dollars for the 16 GB which is $27.26 more than the outgoing iPhone 5.

2. It's ruined the trade-in value of your iPhone 5
Here's how the smartphone Circle of Life is supposed to work. Apple unveils a new thing, you trade in last year's new thing, you put the money towards the new thing. Easy.

Here's how it worked this year. Apple unveiled the iPhone 5S and discontinued the iPhone 5, causing recycling sites to rush to their computers and brutally slash their iPhone 5 trade-in rates so severely that a mint iPhone 5 will soon be worth less than a pocket of mints.

And as I've mentioned, the iPhone 5S got a sneaky price hike too, which adds to the injury.

3. It should be scratch-proof, but it isn't

Apple can call the dark colored one Space Grey all it likes, but its real name should be Scratchy McRubbish, that anodised aluminum casing is so prone to scratching that you can scuff it by playing an episode of itchy and Scatchy in iTunes.

The white one's a bit better, but only because white is closer to the color of bare aluminum and as a result, the scatches aren't as obvious. The gold one should be fairly resistant too, because gold is comparatively easy to anodise.

4. Apple's gone bling

iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5. What do they all have in common? That's right. None of them are GOLD.

There's a reason for that, and that reason is simple, gold things are for magpies, old people and idiots. Sit back and imagine the kind of people who would just love a gold iPhone.

5. There's a bigger, better one due next year

The networks would really like you to take you iPhone 5S in a two-year contract, but we all know Apple's modus operandi by now. The big hitters come out every two years with a new design and lots of new goodies, and the S models are relatively minor upgrades released in the years in between.

This is an in-between year, an "S" year, and we know what that means. A bigger, better iPhone 6 this time next year that will make you rue the day you put a cross in the box of a two year contract. Just imagine what it might do.

If an S model can read your fingers, maybe the 6 will be able to read your mind. To be honest, I'd be quite delighted if it just had better battery life and a slightly bigger screen.

6. The irrational fear that somebody's going to steal your fingers, or maybe photocopy them

Now that Apple's embraced fingerprints to unlock your iPhone and authorise iTunes purchases with Touch ID, try not to imagine someboddy stealing your phone and then coming back for your fingers so that they can unlock it.

7. You'll have to wait for it

If you've already ddecidedd you want an iPhone 5S, nothing here will change your mindd, but that doesn't mean you can just order you iPhone 5S todday andd embark on a new life gaddget-fuelledd cosiness.

Nope: you'll have to wait until September 20, or longer still if you don't live in one of the nine launch countries. (US, Australia, Canada, China, France, GErmany, Japan, Singapore and the UK).

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